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Below are some talks I've given for which video is available online.

The OmniScape Dataset

The video presentation of the article "The OmniScape Dataset" published in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020.

Virtual Conference - originally Paris, FRANCE,
31 May - 31 August 2020.

[Slides] [Video] [Paper] [GitHub] [Demos] [Project]

Jouer pour générer des images omnidirectionnelles

A pop-science talk about my PhD subject.

At Elbeuf (France), 25/04/2019.

[Slides] [Video] [Demo]

(Given by my supervisor Prof. Paul Honeine)

GPAC: Support for High Efficiency Image Format

This talk focus on the High Efficiency Image Format. HEIF is an image format based on HEVC compression technology, and standardized by MPEG. The GPAC team is a contributor and provides tools to support it.

FOSDEM 2018 at Brussels, 03/02/2018.

l’EBU OPEN SOURCE MEET-UP @ IBC 2017 at Amsterdam, 16/09/2017.

[Slides] [Video]

GPAC: delivery of VR/360 videos using Tiles

This talk focus on the creation, delivery and playback of tiled video content.

FOSDEM 2017 at Brussels, 05/02/2017.

[Slides] [Video]

© 2018-2022 | Ahmed Rida SEKKAT | git.io/sekkat Last update: March 23, 2022